2 types of techniques in Troubleshooting and Explanation

2 types of techniques in Troubleshooting and Explanation

2 types of techniques in Troubleshooting-Troubleshooting, is a term in the language of the United Kingdom, which refers to a form of the resolution of a problem. Troubleshooting is the sourcing problems systematically so that the problem can be solved. Troubleshooting, sometimes it is the process of removing the problem, and also the process of removal of the cause of a potential problem. Troubleshooting, generally used in a variety of fields, such as in the field of computers, System Administration, and also the field of electronics and electricity.

Techniques in Troubleshooting:

1. Forward Engineering

These techniques are all sorts of problems detected since the beginning of computer assembled and this technique is usually only used by those computer dealers often do the Assembly of the computer. This is only done on detection of a problem in a simple and done before the computer is turned on (electrified). Please refer to the following example:
§ After the computer finishes are assembled, then carried out checks on all the Hardware has been installed, for example, examining the relationship of the Power Supply cable to the power connector on the Motherboard.
§ To ATX casing, we check whether the Power Switch cable is mounted correctly.
§ etc.

2. Backward Engineering

Backward engineering is a technique to detect errors on the computer after the computer is turned on (electrified). The technique more widely used because in general problems in the new computer will arise after the "flying hours" have been many and this is already a reasonable thing. We can take some examples as follows:
§ Floppy Disk that can't be read properly.
§ Computer does not want to light up when the power button on the casing is pressed.
§ etc.

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