Types of Printer and how it works

Types of Printer and how it works

Types of Printer and how it works - Printer Technology
Types of Printer and how it works-From time to time, printer technology continues to evolve so inevitably for someone who is always in touch with computers and other equipment should continue to follow the developments. Indonesian language printer means the printer (printing tools). The term ' printer ' is often used to refer to the print tool which is connected with the computer. To connect the printer to the computer required a cable connected from the printer to the computer CPU. Currently, the brand
frequently used printer products include Epson, Hewlett Packard (HP), Canon, Lexmark and many more. To know more clearly about the functions, this type of printer and printer work, please read the continuation of this article.

Printer functions
The printer is one of the hardware (the hardware) connected to your computer and have the function to print the caption, image and display more media from computer to paper or similar. The term is known at printer resolution called dpi (dot per inch). It means a large number of points in an area of 1 inch. The higher the resolution it will be getting good prints were produced. Conversely, if lower resolution then the printout will be bad/no good.

Type Of Printer
Dot-Matrix Printers
Dot-Matrix printers are printers that print is still very low resolution. In addition when it is printing, a printer of this type tend to be hard and voice quality for printing the pictures less good because printed image will look like dots that are interconnected. Generally, a kind of dot-matrix printers also have only one color, that color is black. But this time the printer is still widely used because it is famous for ' wayward ' (durable). Another plus, dot-matrix printer Ribbon is much cheaper compared to toner (ink) for inkjet and laserjet printers types.

Inkjet Printer
Inkjet printer print is a tool that already use ink to print and quality for printing color images is pretty good. Number of pages in the print speed of Inkjet printers is not the same, depending on the type of printer brands. But on an inkjet printer, prints a longer drying when compared to laser printers.

Laser Printer
A portion of a shape similar to a laser printer copiers. Print power is also pretty much can reach more than 10 sheets per minute. The print quality of the laser printer is very nice, so much like the original. In addition prints dry fast. But the price of the printer is quite expensive.

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